The Crossover Agenda

The Crossover Agenda Vision: An agenda to provide a short term, crossover experience and equipping of those who are seeking the Lord and His glory, and possibly being a missionary to a foreign country. -Luke 8:22


  • Did you just graduate from high school? Are you currently enrolled in college? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to crossover into a foreign country?

  • Have you been on a 7-10 day mission trip but wanted to stay longer?

  • Do you ever wonder if God is calling you or your family to be a missionary outside the United States?

  • Would you like to go on a vacation with a purpose?


No matter what age you are, here are some encouragements to consider:

  • The national language of Belize is English.

  • Not dependent upon someone setting up a team from a church, any individual or married couple depending on availability can have this experience.

  • Immersion into a tropical climate, which may include finding a tarantula, scorpion or termite in your bungalow.

  • Living in the middle of the lush jungle of Belize. Grocery shopping and other shops are 9 miles away from Crossover. You will use the local transportation system to Punta Gorda and local villages.

  • Interaction with the indigenous people both children and adults.  The agenda will include having local dishes at families homes and learning about their cultures and customs. ( Maya, Kektchi, East Indian, Garifuna, Creole) (John 4:40)

  • The agenda will include a Culture Matters class.

  • You will see that it is about relationships and not tasks. (John 4:4)

  • You will learn to be flexible and uncomfortable. (Acts 28:2)

  • The agenda will be woven to your gifts or abilities.

  • Depending on your gifts, we provide opportunities to serve at a primary christian school from grades Pre-k to 8th grade, maintaining the property and work projects, teaching and studying Gods' word with staff and children, and visiting local churches.

  • We also are available for those that need some quiet time with the Lord with no agenda.

  • We offer this experience from 7- 30 days, which does not conflict with the Laws of Belize.

  • No extra immunizations needed, and Malaria and Dengue Fever are very rare.

  • Access to internet during school hours and phones readily available.

  • Belize is on Central Time half of the year and the other half is Rocky Mountain Time.

  • Missionary family that has lived in Belize for 6 years will oversee your stay and communicate with your pastor and family. The missionary family receives no funds that go to Crossover.

  • A non-denominational ministry whose supreme desire is that God is glorified and he is made known to all nations.