Toledo Christian Academy Belize (TCA) is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian school founded in 1994. The Toledo Church and Bible Center, a group of missionaries, stepped out in faith and began a primary school with only 22 students. For the last two decades, TCA has been a light shining in the surrounding villages, teaching and equipping the next generation of Belizean citizens. In recent years, the leadership of TCA has been transferred into local hands. Emerson and Juliana Mangar, both of whom had previously been involved with TCA, took on the roles of Ministry Directors and School Administrators. Meanwhile ministry partners from abroad retained their involvement by sitting on a Board of Directors alongside Belizeans. 

TCA serves children grades Pre-school through Standard VI (equivalency of 8th grade).  We use the A Beka Book curriculum, a God-centered, American based educational program that is internationally used and respected. Additional materials are supplemented where necessary, particularly for teaching national history and culture. We intentionally keep our classes small, averaging 15 students per class in order to optimize learning and student engagement. We have an annual enrollment of approximately 115 students. The teaching and administrative staff is composed primarily of Belizeans. Our staff is chosen based on their commitment to the children and their desire to bring glory to God.